Green Inspirations

I am inspired each day by all the many good souls who refuse to be let down by all the negativity that surrounds our future on this beautiful planet we all live on. I look around and see so much potential for happiness, a life away from consuming everything in our paths. This new world has communities again and it has neighbors sitting on their stoops engaging each other in conversation, laughing and sharing. In these communities there are also huge gardens providing fresh produce for everyone, and people will be once again connected with the food they eat. My dreams see a simpler more peaceful life, one filled with purpose again.

On this website I will share my findings of all incredible individuals out there who are creating, speaking out and leading the way to our new earth.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Todays Tip!

Hey All,

One of my favorite places to visit daily is They have a great website where you can find so much info about being green. You can also sign up for a daily email where they send you top stories, ideas, companies,etc., that are green.

Check it out and become a treehugger!

Also watch the news tonight on CBC. David Suzuki is in Ottawa today on the final leg of his If I Were Prime Minister Tour. He will be speaking at the museum of civilization tonight and I hope there will be some coverage shown! I went to see him a couple of nights ago and was completely inspired!

Join his Vote for the Environment campaign so everyone in Parliment knows how important the environment is to all Canadians! There is an election coming and they need to know what Canadians want.

I posted a video for this campaign on YouTube too...pretty funny!

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