Green Inspirations

I am inspired each day by all the many good souls who refuse to be let down by all the negativity that surrounds our future on this beautiful planet we all live on. I look around and see so much potential for happiness, a life away from consuming everything in our paths. This new world has communities again and it has neighbors sitting on their stoops engaging each other in conversation, laughing and sharing. In these communities there are also huge gardens providing fresh produce for everyone, and people will be once again connected with the food they eat. My dreams see a simpler more peaceful life, one filled with purpose again.

On this website I will share my findings of all incredible individuals out there who are creating, speaking out and leading the way to our new earth.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Wind Energy

I had a great question posted about wind energy, so I decided to some research on it.
For all the good people in Ontario I do know of a company that works with this great technology and are called
Bullfrog Power. The way they work is they buy into wind energy and low impact hydro generators. When you switch to Bullfrog nothing changes, you still get your hydro from the grid but the extra few cents you spend is re-invested by Bullfrog into greener energy sources. It's a great way to invest your hard earned dollars and feel better about the energy you use! For more info on Bullfrog Power or if you are inspired to make the change go to:

In BC we aren't so lucky as to have a program in place like Ontario and most other provinces do. There is some good news though. There are a few companies such as Sea Breeze Power and Naikun that are in the process of building large scale wind farms on Vancouver Island and along the BC coastline. The frustrating and understandable part is that these farms have to go through an environmental assessment before the site is deemed fit. As well the wind turbines have to put up during calm wind times, not sure when that is exactly, but it apparently happens over a two year period. Naikun is hoping to have their system up and running by 2009.

Some more fun facts about wind turbines;

~They last approximately 20-30 years
~ Wind is an endless source of energy, clean and reliable
~ Wind uses no water or harmful extraction processes to capture the energy, all they need is the blades to move in the wind

For more information on Wind Power in BC go to:

Also there is also the Canadian Wind Energy Association for more info on other provinces and projects on the go!

Stay tuned for more info on energy saving tips for your home!

*Pictures above - Left - Me in Saskatchewan at a wind farm, Right - Transport truck outside Sault St. Marie carrying a massive blade

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