Yesterday evening I attended the Greendrinks BBQ at Jericho Beach and I was blown away with just how many people showed up! It was a great turn out, so much so that they ran out of veggie dogs and many were left to eat only buns. Which no one even batted an eye at, it just meant more creating thinking on how to eat the bun.
They had a few sponsors for the event that were giving away such products as Frisbees, low-energy light fluorescent bulbs, water bottles and bamboo face cloths with some free knowledge of the products or services they represented. The key sponsors were, Shared Vision magazine, Delta Q, Mountain Equipment Co-op, Choices and Ethical Funds.
One of my favorite activities going on was a Japanese drum circle being lead by a couple of pros who used fruit names to teach the young and old participating how to get the beat on their plastic garbage cans! Even this morning I woke to hearing blue-berry, ap-ple, pear, ok I guess you had to be there.
All in all I think everyone would agree that this event was a great success and a definite sign of how many of us are out there making a difference and changing our lives to live a better greener existence!
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